About me

About me

Introducing myself and my music
My name is Nico Wölfling and I play didgeridoo, handpan and cajon. I currently live near Offenburg in Germany, a town close to the French border. My music can be very relaxing and meditative, but also groovy and trance-like, so it's a balanced mix. I'd like to give you a short overview of my musical journey.

It all started in 2007, when I saw someone busking with a didgeridoo.  Never before had I heard that sound! It was rhythmic, mystic and overall really impressive. In a split second I knew that I wanted to play that instrument. Just a few days later I was practising with a cheap didgeridoo made of teak and a DVD-tutorial. From that moment on my life changed. Before I discovered the didgeridoo I was rather introverted and shy. But since I started playing this instrument I got in contact with people who have the same interests and found new friends.

A few years later, I discovered the Hang on YouTube. Even though it was just a video and no "real life experience", I felt the same strong feeling as with the didgeridoo. It sounded like the instrument came from another world, and also looked like it with its UFO kind of shape. I was instantly fascinated by it. The combination of melody and rhythm in one instrument just seemed like the perfect combination with the didgeridoo. At this time I had already found the cajon, a wooden box that sounds similar to a drumset and goes great together with the didgeridoo.

The Hang was a new instrument and the only one of its kind for a while, but after a few years, more handpans followed. In 2014, 4 years after I had discovered the Hang, I finally got my first handpan. At the first touch I felt a deep connection to the instrument, just as I had suspected. Since then I have been infected with the handpan virus.

The logical next step was of course to play all instruments together, which I have been doing for a few years now. The didgeridoo, old of a thousand years - and the handpan, only two decades old - seemed to be made for each other. When I play all three instruments together, it sounds like accoustical Trance. In the section "Videos" you will find some samples of my music.

Do you want to know more about my instruments? Then click here!

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